Title: Application of wood biomass ash in cement composites

Original Title: Primjena pepela drvne biomase u cementnim kompozitima

Authors: Karmen Kostanić Jurić, Nina Štirmer

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5592/CO/PhDSym.2018.13

First page: 131 Last page: 138

Publish date print/online: 9/10/2018

Abstract: Significant quantities of ash are generated during the biomass combustion process. Around 70 % of wood biomass ash (WBA) is deposited at landfills, which constitutes an environmental and economic problem. The trends in using renewable energy sources are gathering momentum, and it may reasonably be expected that the number of biomass power plants will increase, which will result in higher quantities of WBA. While the energy industry is looking for ash disposal solutions, the cement industry is seeking materials that can partly replace natural raw materials. Current research shows that there is good potential for linking these two industries and applying WBA in cement composites. A summary of research conducted in this area is presented in the paper.

Keywords: wood biomass ash, renewable energy sources, waste, chemical composition, mechanical properties, cement composites

Sažetak: U procesu izgaranja biomase nastaju značajne količine pepela. Približno 70 % pepela drvne biomase (PDB) odlaže se na odlagalištima što predstavlja ekološki i ekonomski problem. Trendovi u obnovljivim izvorima energije su rastući te je logično očekivati i porast broja energana na biomasu što će kao posljedicu imati i povećanje količina PDB-a. Dok energetska industrija traži rješenja za odlaganje pepela, cementna industrija je u potrazi za materijalima kojima se može zamijeniti dio prirodnih sirovina. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su potencijal u povezivanju ovih dviju industrija te primjenu PDB-a u cementnim kompozitima. U ovom radu dan je sažet pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja u ovom području.

Ključne riječi: pepeo drvne biomase, obnovljivi izvori energije, otpad, kemijski sastav, mehanička svojstva, cementni kompoziti

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