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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter June 2, 2014

Reductions and Solutions of Two Types of Coupled Nonlinear Evolution Equations in Optical Fibers and Fluid Dynamics

  • Li-Cai Liu , Bo Tian EMAIL logo , Bo Qin , Xing Lü , Zhi-Qiang Lin and Wen-Jun Liu


Under investigation in this paper are the coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations (CNLSEs) and coupled Burgers-type equations (CBEs), which are, respectively, a model for certain birefringent optical fibers Raman-scattering, Kerr and gain/loss effects, and a generalized model in fluid dynamics. Special attention should be paid to the existing claim that the solitons for the CNLSEs do not exist. Through certain dependent-variable transformations, the CNLSEs are reduced to a Manakov system and the CBEs are linearized. In that way, some new solutions of the CNLSEs and CBEs are obtained via symbolic computation. Especially the one-dark-soliton-like solutions for the CNLSEs have been found, against the existing claim.


Under investigation in this paper are the coupled nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations (CNLSEs) and coupled Burgers-type equations (CBEs), which are, respectively, a model for certain birefringent optical fibers Raman-scattering, Kerr and gain/loss effects, and a generalized model in fluid dynamics. Special attention should be paid to the existing claim that the solitons for the CNLSEs do not exist. Through certain dependent-variable transformations, the CNLSEs are reduced to a Manakov system and the CBEs are linearized. In that way, some new solutions of the CNLSEs and CBEs are obtained via symbolic computation. Especially the one-dark-soliton-like solutions for the CNLSEs have been found, against the existing claim.

Received: 2010-12-18
Revised: 2011-5-6
Published Online: 2014-6-2
Published in Print: 2011-9-1

© 1946 – 2014: Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung

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