The development of entrepreneurial behavioral characteristics in higher education students: empirical reflections

O desenvolvimento de características comportamentais empreendedoras em estudantes do ensino superior: reflexões empíricas.




Entrepreneurial Behavioral Characteristics, Entrepreneurship, Academic


This study aimed to test how entrepreneurial behavioural characteristics (EBC) develop in university students as described by McClelland (1963;1987). The methodological procedures tested McClelland’s perspective (1963;1987) with a sample of 137 university students. Data collection was carried out through a closed questionnaire with fifty-five questions using the 10-point Likert scale, applied by sending an email with the link to the form to respondents. As a result, it was verified that the entrepreneurial behavioural characteristics of the realization and planning categories are well developed and the entrepreneurial behavioural characteristics of the power category are still in development.


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Como Citar

Tolentino, R. de S. da S., Lopes, C. M., Vasconcelos, F. N. P. de, Silva, A. P. da, Callegaro, E. A. de O., Silva, C. B. da, Lima, P. P. de, & Costa, J. M. (2023). The development of entrepreneurial behavioral characteristics in higher education students: empirical reflections: O desenvolvimento de características comportamentais empreendedoras em estudantes do ensino superior: reflexões empíricas. Concilium, 23(15), 111–128.


