CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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id 2004_222
authors Rice, G.G., Akleman, E., Özener, O.Ö. and Naz, A.
year 2004
title Caricaturing Buildings for Effective Visualization
source Architecture in the Network Society [22nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-2-4] Copenhagen (Denmark) 15-18 September 2004, pp. 222-227
summary In this paper, we show that the concepts of abstraction, simplification and exaggeration, which are very common in traditional art and caricature, can directly be applied to the 3D architectural visualization and modeling for interactive media applications and effective visualization.
keywords 3D Modeling, Visualization, Caricatures
series eCAADe
full text file.pdf (607,950 bytes)
references Content-type: text/plain
Details Citation Select
100%; open Akleman, E. and J. Reisch (2004) Find in CUMINCAD Modeling Expressive 3D Caricatures , Visual Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH‘04, 134, August 2004, Los Angeles.Holmes, N., Pictorial Maps: History, Design, Ideas and Sources. Watson-Guptill Publications, New York

100%; open Akleman, E., J. Palmer and R. Logan (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Making Extreme Caricatures with a New Interactive 2D Deformation Technique with Simplicial Complexes , Proceedings of Visual 2000, Mexico City, Mexico, pp. 165-170,September 2000

100%; open Akleman, E. (1997) Find in CUMINCAD Making Caricatures with Morphing , Visual Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH‘97, 134, August 1997, Los Angeles

100%; open Brennan, S. E. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Caricature Generator: the Dynamic Exaggeration of Faces by Computer , Leonardo, Volume 18, No. 3, 170-178

100%; open Skaria, S., E. Akleman, F. Parke (2001) Find in CUMINCAD Modeling Subdivision Control Meshes for Creating Cartoon Faces , Proceedings of Shape Modeling 2001, Genova, Italy, pp. 216-227

last changed 2022/06/07 05:56
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