Published March 29, 2017 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Project website and social network profiles - D2.1 INVADE H2020

  • 1. Smart Innovation Norway




This document is INVADE project deliverable D2.1, "Project website and social network profiles", which corresponds to task T2.2 "Digital media". The main purpose of D2.1 is to present the technical and editorial description of the INVADE website. Document describes the purpose of the site, the different templates for landing pages, the structure and functionality of the site, maintenance of the site, and how the overall communication and dissemination tasks are optimized by analysing and evaluating the ongoing results.

Communication and dissemination activities will serve as vital parts of the INVADE project, both to create awareness and common knowledge about the project and to promote and spread results and outcomes. The website will have the URL and serves as a news and information hub for the upcoming dissemination and communication tasks throughout the project period.


D2.1 Project website and social network profiles.pdf

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INVADE – Smart system of renewable energy storage based on INtegrated EVs and bAtteries to empower mobile, Distributed and centralised Energy storage in the distribution grid 731148
European Commission