Published November 1, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Pedagogical Conditions for the Improvement of Museum Education in Lyceum Students in the Context of School-Museum-Family-Community Cooperation

  • 1. Pedagogical State University Ion Creanga from Chisinau


The article presents certain theoretical and applicative aspects of museum education for lyceum students, em- phasizing the importance and perspectives of educational partnerships that target cooperation between schools and museums, families, and the community in order to promote cultural, national, and universal values in growing and adult generations. We succinctly analyze the views of some researchers, scientifically establish and substantiate the pedagogic conditions for the optimization of museum education in lyceum students within the school-museum-family-community collaboration, and we also set out the general pedagogical and the specific psycho-pedagogical conditions for the implementation of museum education in lyceum students. Finally, we present a Mechanism for the Interaction of the Conditions for the Improvement of Museum Education in Lyceum Students, which we consider to be a highly important methodological tool, having successfully explored and validated it in museum education during previous research.



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