Published January 26, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Kaye College of Education


Racist ideology, like anti-Semitism, is an important element in the German case that has been widespread since the 17th century. Until the beginning of the 20th century, however, nothing seems to indicate as predictable the theories that will form the basis of the Barbarian Utopia of the 1930s. The topicality of this article lies upon the fact that the disappearance of totalitarianism has created the space needed to expand studies related to the Holocaust and the role played by the regimes in Eastern European countries in the interwar period. The anti-Semitic problem is a topic of wide interest of research even today, because Holocaust research in general, and its impact on the Jewish people in particular, has conditioned the emergence of theoretical, practical and cognitive studies. Moreover, from a historiographical point of view, the analysis of this phenomenon in the newly created conjuncture offers the possibility to avoid stereotypes and the distorted understanding of the political phenomenon that led to the greatest monstrosity of the 20th century.

Thus, the analysis of recent studies is of great importance and very up-to-date, because it tries to find an answer on the Holocaust by focusing on public opinion in Germany and the transformation of the image of the Jews, between 1933 and 1945, in the collective imagery, trying to argue that the motivation of Holocaust was purely ideological, rooted in a world existing only in the Nazi imagination, where an international Jewish conspiracy to control the world was opposed to a parallel "Aryan" mission, because no genocide up till now had been based completely on myths, on an abstract, non-pragmatic ideology - which was then implemented by very rational and pragmatic means.


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2587-3822 (ISSN)