Published August 5, 2020 | Version v1
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African Makers Against COVID-19: Exploring Open Source Responses to a Global Crisis

  • 1. Africa Open Science & Hardware, Weizenbaum Institute Fellow
  • 2. Technische Universität Berlin / Einstein Center Digital Future, Berlin University of the Arts / Weizenbaum Institute
  • 3. Berlin University of the Arts / Weizenbaum Institute


Initiated by Africa Open Science & Hardware, the Berlin University of the Arts (Weizenbaum Institute), the Technische Universität Berlin (Einstein Center Digital Future), and in dialogue with the GIZ Togo and GIZ Ghana, the inaugural ‘African Makers Against COVID-19’ digital roundtable on 29 May 2020 brought together makers responding to the pandemic across the African continent to discuss approaches, opportunities and challenges. By identifying and connecting makers, researchers and development professionals, we sought to highlight:

  1. the processes and mechanisms underlying making in response to COVID-19
  2. how devices and technologies are implemented at health facilities and in communities
  3. opportunities and challenges influencing further development and scale-up of innovations
  4. interventions that could enable sustainability of grassroots African initiatives against COVID-19


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