Published June 23, 2008 | Version v1
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Characterizing Pale Blue Dots in the Sky - Spectral Fingerprints from Earth to Super-Earth

  • 1. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, MS-20, 60 Garden street, 02138 MA Cambridge, USA


There are many puzzle-pieces to assemble if we want to detect life, signs of life, or even conditions for life, on rocky exoplanets. What detectable signatures does life leave in a planetary atmosphere or on a planetary surface and what does HITRAN have to do with it? Future space missions will provide the pieces to solve this puzzle. In this talk we will look at the evidence that we are searching for, as well as what we are likely to get, and the challenges we face to define these pieces.


Session I: Astrophysics. June 22, 2008.



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