Published November 28, 2023 | Version v1
Presentation Open

What's new in Colectica 7.3

  • 1. Colectica


Colectica is delighted to launch Colectica 7.3 at EDDI. Colectica is software for creating, publishing, centralizing, and managing DDI metadata within and across organizations. It is used by national statistical organizations, university research groups, and data collection agencies to provide well-documented data to researchers and the public. Colectica is built on open standards like DDI and GSIM, ensuring that information can be presented in numerous formats and shared among different organizations and tools. 

In this session we will give an overview of new features in Colectica 7.2 and 7.3, including:

- Colectica Repository: advanced search capabilities, health checks
- Web Portal: Improved concordance views, item comparison
- Colectica Workflow: new user interface, multiple state transitions to support ISO 11179 workflows
- Elasticsearch integration: additional configuration and data type support
- Improved DDI integration with Blaise, including direct use of the Blaise API for survey imports
- Expanded DDI support
- Hundreds of other enhancements, performance improvements, and fixes

We will also discuss forthcoming new products, including Colectica Datasets and web editors for DDI content.


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