Articles | Volume 72, issue 4
Theme issue overview
20 Dec 2017
Theme issue overview |  | 20 Dec 2017

Geographien sozialer Krisen/Krisen sozialer Geographien

Simon Runkel and Jonathan Everts

Abstract. This short paper provides the initial provocation for a themed issue that emerges from a conference on the topic of geographies of social crises/crises of social geographies. The article calls for a (re)consideration of the “social question” in the 21st century. We call for social geographers to engage with the historical dynamics of places and milieus to understand novel class societies and the violence that underpins social inequalities. The article makes a case for an empirically saturated social geography. We believe this provides a useful programme which helps to understand current phenomena of political, social and economic crises.

Short summary
This short paper provides the initial provocation for a themed issue that emerges from a conference on the topic of geographies of social crises/crises of social geographies. We call for social geographers to engage with the historical and current dynamics of places and milieus to understand novel class societies and the violence that underpins social inequalities.