Journal List > J Korean Med Assoc > v.51(11) > 1041967

Lee and Koo: Meniere's Disease


Hydrops of the endolymphatic space in the inner ear deteriorates hearing and balance function. This idiopathic syndrome of endolymphatic hydrops is Meniere's disease and is characterized by episodic vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus and ear fullness. For the pathophysiologic mechanisms of the episode, the progression of the hydrops leads to ruptures in the membranes separating endolymph from perilymph, producing a sudden increase in potassium concentration in the perilymph. Recurrent episodes may interfere with routine daily activities and sometimes accompany sudden drop attacks, so called Tumarkin's otolithic crisis, which may lead to serious injuries. Life style modification, low salt diet and prescription of diuretics have been traditionally tried in order to relieve endolymphatic hydrops. Surgical and destructive treatment options are necessary in selected intractable patients depending on the frequency of vertigo, severity of hearing loss and the possibility of bilateral involvement. However, a large proportion of these patients shows a spontaneous cure of vertigo with the aggravation of hearing loss (burnt out stage) over time. The goal of treatment is trying not to make the patient worse than this natural course of disease.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
Diagnostic guidelines of Meniere's disease (American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 1995)


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