Online ISSN : 2185-1360
Print ISSN : 0386-3980
ISSN-L : 0386-3980
らい患者にみられたPeliosis hepatis
古田 睦広浅本 仁北市 正則原田 禹雄小原 安喜子松本 繁雄
ジャーナル フリー

1982 年 51 巻 1 号 p. 22-27


This is a report of a case, 57 years old female of arrested lepromatous leprosy suffered from Peliosis hepatis. The report may be the first one of the case of Peliosis hepatis in leprosy patient. There was also a very rare finding of left atrial endocardial thickening which looks like to endocardial fibroelastosis but not the same with it and the case showed amyloid deposit in the glomeruli.
The pathogenesis of Peliosis hepatis is regarded as the drug induced change by recent papers. Pathogenesis of Peliosis hepatis is supposedly pleural in the cause however the circuratory disturbance must be most noteworthy as the cause. There were mitral valve thickening and mild stenosis of aortic valve and these were seemed to be rheumatic change and the left atrial endocardial thickening was also considered to be collagen degeneration.
The pathogenesis of Peliosis hepatis in this case were related as followings 1) immunological disorder caused from lepromatous leprosy itself, 2)circulatory disturbances by possibly rheumatic change of the heart and 3) other unknown causes including used medicines for the treatment.

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