Polytechnic University of Valencia Congress, Ninth International Conference on Higher Education Advances

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Experiential learning using short-term global virtual team projects
Stephanie Swartz

Last modified: 16-06-2023


Institutions of higher education are facing new challenges when preparing their graduates for today’s global workplace. Digital communication and project management skills as well as intercultural competence are imperative in light of the transitions to remote and virtual teamwork. Global virtual team (GVT) projects provide students with experiential learning opportunities, increasing their chances at employability and professional success. This qualitative study involves a client-based GVT project conducted over the course of four semesters and engaging approximately 400 students enrolled at universities in Germany and the United States. Responses regarding students’ perceptions of the project’s value for self-efficacy and employability confirm the importance of incorporating short-term GVT projects in university curricula in order to offer students opportunities for professional development.


Global virtual team projects; digital communication competence; employability; experiential learning in higher education; interdisciplinary project work

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