Polytechnic University of Valencia Congress, Third International Conference on Higher Education Advances

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Improving the acquisition of English language competencies with international workgroups of university finance students
Maria T Tascon, Paula Castro, Francisco J. Castaño

Last modified: 07-06-2017


This paper discusses a teaching innovation project that integrates technological communication advances with the small group methodology to improve the English competency of university students of finance. This is a fundamental competency for studies in finance considering the increasingly international framework of financial business and the increasingly required mobility of human resources in all types of financial careers. This methodology requires the cooperation of a foreign university to help students understand the practical implications of using English when applying the theoretical concepts and methodologies studied in class in an international professional setting. As a first approach, we implement and assess the implementation of this methodology and its impact on students’ learning process in an elective module offered in an official degree in finance in Spain.

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