Congresos de la Universitat Politècnica de València, FORTMED2020 - Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean

Por defecto: 
Il castello di Morrea. Evoluzione e destino delle strutture fortificate nel centro Italia
Stefano Cecamore

Última modificación: 15-05-2020


The castle of Morrea. Evolution and destiny of fortified structures in Central Italy

The shape that today characterizes the fortified building of the castle of Morrea is only the last of the various stratifications that have modified the original layout thorughout the centuries. The current aspect of the building is most likely linked to the interventions promoted by the Piccolomini family between the twentieth and twenty-first century. The building represents the evolution from castrum to aristocratic residence that involves the various fortified structures placed along the Apennine ridge between the eastern and western front of Central Italy.

In this area the various degrees of transformations of the castles, which are periodically updated for reasons due to oxidation and representative natures, are clearly readable.

The artifacts analyseable represent a wide range of samples of fortifications of the most ancient form of specialized buildings which were often largely left in the state of ruins, including that of buildings yet still functional, however, far from their consistency and original purpose.

The overall panorama of this architectural heritage outlines a complex scenario consisting of problems related to the conservation and maintenance where restoration projects need to find and be in the proper position of restoration and respect of the bond between the building environment, the landscape and the identities of the territory.

Palabras clave

fortified historical centres; abandon; traditional building techniques; landscape

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