TUGboat 43:3 (2022)
The Communications of the TeX Users Group

Title: Formatting mesostic poems à la John Cage

Summary: use of LaTeX by a non-programmer for poetic results.

Full text of article: publicly available now.

Author: David Bellows

Publication: TUGboat volume 43, number 3 (2022), pages 243-246

DOI (this page): 10.47397/tb/43-3/tb135bellows-mesostic
(previous doi - next doi)

Category: Typography

Difficulty: Introductory

Abstract: LaTeX is useful not only for producing beautifully typeset math and science papers but can be just as useful for the typesetting demands of modern poetry. This includes a style of poetry called mesostics that was created by the poet Jackson Mac Low and embraced and extended by the late composer John Cage; it is Cage’s approach to mesostics that I will be addressing in this paper. I will show how I use LaTeX to automatically format my own computer-generated mesostics.

TUGboat 43:3, 2022 (issue 135)   [generated 2023-05-18]
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