Near Denmark is the island of Scanza, as are the lands of the Alans and the Geats. The people of this land in ancient times gave themselves up to licentiousness, and every man had as many wives as he liked. They were called Danes because when Danaus, son of Anthenor, escaped from the destruction of Troy he went to that area and became lord of that country. King Henry was at Osaing beyond the Rhine on the Meuse. King Louis and the duke joined him there, and through the duke’s persistence the talks were so successful that the two kings promised each other their friendship on oath and that each would help the other in case of need. After the Normans and the Bretons had made Richard duke of Normandy, Louis, king of France, who had heard the news of the duke’s death put on a great display of sorrow and said that the traitor should never have his friendship.