This chapter aims to discuss the various contours of Indo-Iranian relations post removal of sanctions. Even though India-Iran relations have been somewhat "complicated", India since 2015 had been looking forward to providing impetus to its energy cooperation and regional connectivity in the region through Iran. In 2009, India pulled out of the India-Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline proposed in 2005 due to serious reservations about the Pakistani side. One of the reasons for India exploring an alternative land-sea route for gas transport is related to China's help to Pakistan in the construction of Pakistan's part of the peace pipeline. The pipeline is being built through a joint venture-the TAPI Pipeline Company Limited-a confederation consisting of Turkmengaz, Afghan Gas Enterprise, Pakistan's Inter-State Gas Systems Ltd and GAIL India Ltd. In seeking to understand India-Iran relations, it is necessary to understand how each country's relations with the US affect their bilateral relations.