Genetic Algorithm Based Gear Shift Optimization for Electric Vehicles

Authors Abstract
In this paper, an optimization method is proposed to improve the efficiency of a transmission equipped electric vehicle (EV) by optimizing gear shift strategy. The idea behind using a transmission for EV is to downsize the motor size and decrease overall energy consumption. The efficiency of an electric motor varies with its operating region (speed/torque) and this plays a crucial role in deciding overall energy consumption of EVs. A lot of work has been done to optimize gear shift strategy of internal combustion engines (ICE) based automatic transmission (AT), and automatic-manual transmissions (AMT), but for EVs this is still a new area. In case of EVs, we have an advantage of regeneration which makes it different from the ICE based vehicles. In order to maximize the efficiency, a heuristic search based algorithm - Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used. The problem is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem (MOOP) where overall efficiency and acceleration performance are optimized. A mathematical formulation is provided to calculate the maximum possible efficiency for a given drive cycle. Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) is used to optimize the gear shift lines. A comparative study of fuel economy improvement is provided to validate the concept of using different downshift lines during regeneration.
Meta TagsDetails
Saini, V., Singh, S., NV, S., and Jain, H., "Genetic Algorithm Based Gear Shift Optimization for Electric Vehicles," Alternative Powertrains 5(2):348-356, 2016,
Additional Details
Jun 17, 2016
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Content Type
Journal Article