Dinamic of Bacteria Desnitrificants and Nitrificants in the Rizospheric of Wheat with Slow Release of Fertilizer, Irrigated with Waste or Well Water


The study of the paper about the rhizosphere in the transformation of nitrogen compounds can generate knowledge of the microbial and biochemical atmosphere of the rhizosphere of wheat, for the understanding of the dynamics of the N in agricultural zones, with the purpose of optimizing the fertilizer use and increasing the productivity of the cultures. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to know the effect the rhizosphere in the dynamics of the bacterial populations that take part in the cycle of the N in wheat nourished with slow release fertilizer and one commercial, irrigated with waste water or well. Analyses in the soil took place vertisol used in the experiment with the rhizospheric and non rhizospheric fraction. The slow release fertilizer used has a matrix enriched with N and P and is in the process of being patented (it explains in materials and methods). Each fertilizer was evaluated and the combination of the slow release fertilizer with organic fertilizer. The technique of the number most probable was used (MNP) to carry out the quantification of the nitrificants and denitrificants bacteria to the 55, 67 and 97 days after sowing (Dds). The results obtained for the MNP of denitrificants bacteria and Nitrosomonas indicate that the effect average of the types of water, soil and fertilizers, as well as their interaction to each other was not significant (p > 0.05). The effect of the fertilizing type and soil (rhizospheric and non rhizospheric) in the MNP of Nitrobacter was significant (p < 0.05). The tendencies show that the non rhizospheric soil is more favorable for the development of denitrificants bacteria and Nitrobacter, whereas the MNP of Nitrosomonas was greater in rhizospheric soil.

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S. Mora-Ravelo, F. Reyes, J. Moreno, J. Cabriales, L. Chávez and M. Bauer, "Dinamic of Bacteria Desnitrificants and Nitrificants in the Rizospheric of Wheat with Slow Release of Fertilizer, Irrigated with Waste or Well Water," Advances in Microbiology, Vol. 3 No. 4, 2013, pp. 343-349. doi: 10.4236/aim.2013.34048.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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