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1. Christa Wolf. Was bleibt. (Darmstadt and Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1990) 105. Subsequent citations refer to this edition.

2. Cf. Unterden Linden. (Darmstadtand Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1974).

3. Cf. the narrator's thus-expressed freedom in Unter den Linden, after she has released herself (or been released through her dream) from the censorship of an unnamed "greater authority. "

4. "Nötige Kritik oder Hinrichtung? Spiegel-Gespräch mit Günter Grass über die Debatte urn Christa Wolf und die DDR-Literatur." Der Spiegel 29, 1990.

5. "Für Christa Wolf: Ein Brief vonLew Kopelew an die 'Zeit.' die 'FAZ' und die 'Welt.''' taz; 14 June 1990.

6. Christine Schoefer. "Germany Rewrites History: The Attack on Christa Wolf." The Nation, 22 October 1990.

7. "Mangel an Feingefühl." Die Zeit, 8 June 1990.

8. Notethe smug condescension, for example, of Greiner's dismissive references to "dieser angenehme Christa-Wolf Sound, diese f1aue Unverbindlichkeits-Melodie in der apart formulierten Sprache.... [a]ch ja, diese anmUtige Melancholie Christa Wolfs, diese zarte Entsagung!" (Die Zeit, 8 June 1990),or HellmuthKarasek's tell-tale title in Der Spiegel (26, 1990): "'Selbstgemachte KonfitUre. '"

9. See the two collectively-authored petitions of which Wolf was cosigner: "Bleibt hier bei uns" (read by Wolf on German television, II November 1989) and "FUr unser Land" (published 26 November 1989). Both are printed in fuIl in DDR Journal zur Novemberrevolution, Tageszeitunggesellschaft "die taz" mbH, December 1989.

10. This according to the environmental activist and photographer, Siggi Schefke, who articulated the resentment of many members of the GDR opposition with respect to Wolfs reluctance to become fully involved in theircause in his presentation, "Perspektive der Linken," at the University of Michigan symposium, "Gegenwartsbewältigung: Coming to Terms With the Present" in Ann Arbor,25-27 October 1990.

11. The title of Fritz Raddatz' reviewof Christa T., "Mein Namesei Tonio K.," is an exceIlent demonstration of th is ki nd of literary contextualization.

12. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1983, p. 4 (Said's emphasis). All further citations refer to this edition.

13. Anna Kuhn. Christa Wolf's Utopian vision: From Marxism to Feminism. (Cambridge:Cambridge Up, 1988).

14. Christa Wolf. "Lesen und Schreiben." Die Dimension des Autors. (Darmstadt and Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1987)478. Subsequently cited in text as DA.).

15. The reception of Accident in the U.S., on the other hand, differs markedly from that in Germany. This may weIl have to do with the "decontextualization" of this work with respect to Wolfs oeuvre. Fewof the reviewers demonstrate familiarity with Wolf's works, but are much impressedby the impassioned and lyrical reaction to nuclearthreats.

16. In a report on the 1989 Frankfurter Buchmesse at the University of Michiganin the fall of that year.

17. Such was the gist of Romero's argument in her presentation, "Was bleibt?" at the University of Michigan symposium, Gegenwansbewaltigung, .

18. Cf. Schoefer. "Germany Rewrites History."

19. Cf. "Lesen und Schreiben," Nachdenken über Christa T.

20. Cf. the last line of Kein Ort. Nirgends. (Darmstadt and Neuwied: Luehterhand, 1979).
