A manual offering information on the most important laws and treaties approved by Congress in more than 200 years since the first session in 1789. Each Congress is covered in a separate chapter introduced by a historical essay setting the actions of the legislators in the context of their times.

Seventieth Congress: March 4, 1927, to March 3, 1929

Seventieth Congress: March 4, 1927, to March 3, 1929
  • First session—December 5, 1927, to May 29, 1928
  • Second session—December 3, 1928, to March 3, 1929
  • (Second administration of Calvin Coolidge, 1925–1929)

Historical Background

During spring of 1927, a disastrous flood in the lower Mississippi Valley left 330 people dead, crops destroyed, and thousands homeless and destitute, and it resulted in damages totaling $300 million. Most of the region's roads, bridges, and railroads were unusable for weeks. The flooding vividly demonstrated the inability of local governments to maintain the levee system being used as the sole means of controlling the Mississippi River. The region turned to the federal government for help in protecting themselves from such disasters in the future, and Congress ...

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