CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · South Asian J Cancer 2015; 04(04): 182
DOI: 10.4103/2278-330X.175956
Letter to the Editor

Late effects of cancer treatment in breast cancer survivors

Hanne Verbelen
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Antwerp; Multidisciplinary Breast Clinic, Gynecological Oncology Unit, Antwerp University Hospital, Wilrijkstraat 10 2650 Edegem
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Antwerp; Multidisciplinary Breast Clinic, Gynecological Oncology Unit, Antwerp University Hospital, Wilrijkstraat 10 2650 Edegem
Nick Gebruers
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Antwerp; Multidisciplinary Breast Clinic, Gynecological Oncology Unit, Antwerp University Hospital, Wilrijkstraat 10 2650 Edegem
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Antwerp; Multidisciplinary Breast Clinic, Gynecological Oncology Unit, Antwerp University Hospital, Wilrijkstraat 10 2650 Edegem
Wiebren Tjalma
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Antwerp; Multidisciplinary Breast Clinic, Gynecological Oncology Unit, Antwerp University Hospital, Wilrijkstraat 10 2650 Edegem
Multidisciplinary Breast Clinic, Gynecological Oncology Unit, Antwerp University Hospital, Wilrijkstraat 10 2650 Edegem; Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Antwerp
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Publication History

Article published online:
31 December 2020

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