Case Report

Occurrence of dermatomycosis (ringworm) due to Trichophyton verrucosumin dairy calves and its spread to animal attendants : case report

J.K. Wabacha, G.K. Gitau, L.C. Bebora, C.O. Bwanga, Z.M. Wamuri, P.M.F. Mbithi
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association | Vol 69, No 4 | a848 | DOI: | © 1998 J.K. Wabacha, G.K. Gitau, L.C. Bebora, C.O. Bwanga, Z.M. Wamuri, P.M.F. Mbithi | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 13 July 1998 | Published: 13 July 1998

About the author(s)

J.K. Wabacha,
G.K. Gitau,
L.C. Bebora,
C.O. Bwanga,
Z.M. Wamuri,
P.M.F. Mbithi,

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Persistent dermatomycosis (ringworm) caused by Trichophyton verrucosum affected 20 dairy calves aged between 3 months and 1 year and housed together. The infection also spread to 2 animal attendants working among the calves. The major clinical lesions observed on the affected calves were extensive alopecia and/or circumscribed thick hairless skin patches affecting the head, neck, flanks and limbs. The observed lesions persisted for more than 17 weeks and most of the calves did not respond to topical treatment with various anti-fungal drugs within the anticipated period of 9 weeks. Two animal attendants developed skin lesions that were circumscribed and itchy and there was good response to treatment following the application of anti-fungal skin ointment. Although ringworm in dairy animals in Kenya has not previously been associated with spread to humans, the potential is evident from this report.


Bovine; Ringworm; Zoonosis


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Crossref Citations

1. Detection of subtilisin 3 and 6 in skin biopsies of cattle with clinically manifested bovine ringworm
Jakob Lindenhahn, Theresa Bartosch, Christina-Marie Baumbach, Marcel Suchowski, Johannes Kacza, Wieland Schrödl, Jule K Michler
Medical Mycology  vol: 59  issue: 3  first page: 305  year: 2021  
doi: 10.1093/mmy/myaa089