Inverse Stochastic Routine Combined to a Stepwise Modeling Approach in the Chromatographic Column Characterization Applied to Simulated Moving Bed-SMB Separation of Verapamil Enantiomers

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Simulated Moving Bed (SMB) chromatographic processes for the enantiomers separation of the drug verapamil were evaluated through stepwise modeling approach. Predictions of the model were compared to the dispersive equilibrium model in the simulation of continuous separation process and validated with data taken for both compounds in a SMB experimental set-up. An inverse problem tool was associated to the chromatographic columns aiming at their characterization through the global mass transfer parameters using only the experimental residence times of each enantiomer. According to the study conducted, the proposed approach was shown to be a tool with a good potential to predict the chromatographic behavior of a sample in a test pulse, as well as the simulation of separation of a compound in SMB equipment despite minor discrepancies presented in the first work cycles of the SMB. Moreover, the approach can be easily implemented and applied in the analysis of the process.

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