Mathematical Modeling is Occupied Lane Road Access to the City 's Ability to Influence when the Accident

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With the development of cities, the traffic problem is getting attention , including a wide variety of lane blocking traffic problem is one of the major problems , such as car accidents , construction and other Jeeves , Jeeves research questions have lane is occupied impact on urban road capacity help science to solve these problems , this study had an accident when two easy-to-understand model to solve the problem in question . For question one and question two , we established a model of the actual capacity will be standardized different vehicles , and statistics in the video pcu amount of data analyzed by the choice of the trigonometric curve fitting using cftool Toolbox obtained as a function of the actual capacity and time , and finally by analyzing the relationship between the relevant factors and the number of vehicles in different lanes , traffic signal mechanism to complete the first two questions . For questions three and four problems , we established a mathematical model of the length of the traffic jam , traffic jams build road capacity and the actual length of the upstream traffic , traffic jam quantitative function of time , the same amount through the video pcu statistics , curve fitting , determine the unknown parameters to obtain the corresponding function , and using the prediction and analysis functions . The data given in the problem into three of the four models, solve for T equal to about 5.5 minutes . Model for the inevitable disadvantages , we try to model the new extension partly solved.

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June 2014




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