Low-Tech Urban Solutions in Data-Based Environment – A New Concept of Sharing-Oriented Metropolitan Transportation

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This paper presents the new, theoretical idea for a short range, city transportation system typology. Taking people’s expectations as a major concern, the idea aims to improve travel comfort by creating a sustainable and efficient system of communication. The short review of various visions for cities development, as well as analysis of current research are presented as a background for the new solution. Then, the analysis of present, data-based environment indicates a high level of society’s dependency on the Internet and Mobile connections. Finding a strong relation between transportation and IT sector, the paper exposes the necessity of interdisciplinary approach towards innovative communication solutions. Questioning the current model of ownership-oriented society, the proposal introduces a shift towards sharing-oriented tendencies. On that basis, idea of the system of shared between users, self-driving vehicles is established. Moreover, architectural intervention into traditional street typology is introduced. Vertical division of separate functions, allowing unobstructed flow of people and vehicles, creates a possibility to adopt existing street level for accommodating additional functions. By incorporating theoretical model into the city of Singapore, certain decisions about combining newly designed idea with existing underground MRT system infrastructure were stated. Putting stress on the holistic, multidisciplinary approach to the idea of future mobility, it is inevitable to introduce various fields of research into the process. Only by connecting administrative decisions, architectural statements and technology (IT) development can a coherent vision of future be proposed.

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