Cathodoluminescence and Radiation-Induced Absorption in YLiF4 Crystals in Excitation by Electron Pulse

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The paper presents the experimental results for the spectra of the luminescence burst and induced optical transient absorption in YLiF4 crystals when exposed to the electron pulse of nanosecond duration over a wide temperature range. The luminescence spectrum consists of two bands with peaks at 4.4 and 3.2 eV, and in the spectrum of induced absorption the main bands are found at 2.1 and 3.7 eV. The luminescence at 3.2 eV decays faster than the bandwidth at 4.4 eV. The luminescence intensity decreases sharply at temperatures above 30 K. The induced absorption decreases at temperatures above 60 K. It is assumed that the kinetic curves of luminescence burst and transient absorption in excitation by radiation fluxes are related.

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