ICA Spatiotemporal Filtering Method and Its Application in GPS Deformation Monitoring

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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a good method to be used in spatiotemporal filtering for regional GPS network. As an extension of PCA, independent component analysis(ICA) is also widely concerded in many fields of sciences and application researches. As a new spatiotemporal filtering method, the application of ICA in spatiotemporal filtering of the regional GPS network and GPS deformation monitoring is explored in this paper. The simulated data test shows the filtering effect of ICA is the same as PCA, both of the PCA and ICA can extract two independent components which implied in simulated common mode error. At the same time, the SCIGN data test shows the filtering effect of ICA is a litter worse than PCA, but ICA extracts not only one independent components as common mode error, it is not unique and independence that can not be provided by the PCA method. It also reflects the essence of common mode error of different station in independence. Therefore, ICA method can be applied to GPS deformation monitoring as a new spatiotemporal filtering method, the feasibility and advantage of ICA is demonstrated in the experiment of simulated data and SCIGN data.

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October 2012



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