The Debate on the Pandemic in Spain: Discursive Strategies in Political Argumentation

The Debate on the Pandemic in Spain: Discursive Strategies in Political Argumentation

Francisco Javier Vellón Lahoz
ISBN13: 9781799879879|ISBN10: 1799879879|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799879886|EISBN13: 9781799879893
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7987-9.ch021
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Vellón Lahoz, Francisco Javier. "The Debate on the Pandemic in Spain: Discursive Strategies in Political Argumentation." Handbook of Research on Historical Pandemic Analysis and the Social Implications of COVID-19, edited by Antonio Cortijo Ocaña and Vicent Martines, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 288-305.


Vellón Lahoz, F. J. (2022). The Debate on the Pandemic in Spain: Discursive Strategies in Political Argumentation. In A. Cortijo Ocaña & V. Martines (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Historical Pandemic Analysis and the Social Implications of COVID-19 (pp. 288-305). IGI Global.


Vellón Lahoz, Francisco Javier. "The Debate on the Pandemic in Spain: Discursive Strategies in Political Argumentation." In Handbook of Research on Historical Pandemic Analysis and the Social Implications of COVID-19, edited by Antonio Cortijo Ocaña and Vicent Martines, 288-305. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.

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The chapter analyses the discourse of the political debate in the Spanish parliamentary confrontation on the coronavirus and its health and economic consequences. To this end, it analyses eight debates led by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the leader of the opposition, Pablo Casado. The discursive strategies of both influence the central aspects of the political framework on which the legislature is structured, as can be seen in the grammatical mechanisms, in the lexical selection, in the evidentiality around the sources of legitimacy, and in general, in the stylistic and emotional component of the respective interventions. In this way, the pandemic has become a privileged reference for the political programmes of the different parties.

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