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How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Transforming the User Experience in Digital Marketing

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Transforming the User Experience in Digital Marketing

ISBN13: 9781668493243|ISBN10: 1668493241|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668493250|EISBN13: 9781668493267
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9324-3.ch005
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Kaperonis, Stavros. "How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Transforming the User Experience in Digital Marketing." The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing: Competitive Strategies and Tactics, edited by Sandrina Teixeira and Jorge Remondes, IGI Global, 2024, pp. 117-141.


Kaperonis, S. (2024). How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Transforming the User Experience in Digital Marketing. In S. Teixeira & J. Remondes (Eds.), The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing: Competitive Strategies and Tactics (pp. 117-141). IGI Global.


Kaperonis, Stavros. "How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Transforming the User Experience in Digital Marketing." In The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing: Competitive Strategies and Tactics, edited by Sandrina Teixeira and Jorge Remondes, 117-141. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2024.

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In this part of the book, the authors are diving into how artificial intelligence (AI) is completely changing the game in digital marketing, especially when it comes to the user experience. You see, AI gives companies these super cool abilities to deliver personalized content, analyze data like a pro, and create marketing strategies that really focus on the customer. Plus, AI has given birth to chatbots that have seriously shaken up customer service, making it way more personal and immediate. But, as cool as all this AI stuff is, it's not all smooth sailing. This chapter tackles things like data privacy, security, and making sure there are people who know how to handle it all. What really shows off the power of AI is how companies like Amazon and Spotify are using it to make the customer experience better. The more AI becomes a part of digital marketing, the more necessary it is to understand the good, the bad, and the sometimes ugly, to make sure AI is being used in the best and most ethical way possible.

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