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Creation of Digital Solutions in Higher Education: Strategies With Hands-On and Disruptive Technologies in Phygital Transformation

Creation of Digital Solutions in Higher Education: Strategies With Hands-On and Disruptive Technologies in Phygital Transformation

ISBN13: 9781668482827|ISBN10: 1668482827|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668482865|EISBN13: 9781668482834
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8282-7.ch001
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Mengalli, Neli Maria, and Antonio Aparecido Carvalho. "Creation of Digital Solutions in Higher Education: Strategies With Hands-On and Disruptive Technologies in Phygital Transformation." Perspectives on Enhancing Learning Experience Through Digital Strategy in Higher Education, edited by Afzal Sayed Munna, et al., IGI Global, 2023, pp. 1-30.


Mengalli, N. M. & Carvalho, A. A. (2023). Creation of Digital Solutions in Higher Education: Strategies With Hands-On and Disruptive Technologies in Phygital Transformation. In A. Munna, V. Nadda, T. Allahyari, G. Cantafio, & S. Bilan (Eds.), Perspectives on Enhancing Learning Experience Through Digital Strategy in Higher Education (pp. 1-30). IGI Global.


Mengalli, Neli Maria, and Antonio Aparecido Carvalho. "Creation of Digital Solutions in Higher Education: Strategies With Hands-On and Disruptive Technologies in Phygital Transformation." In Perspectives on Enhancing Learning Experience Through Digital Strategy in Higher Education, edited by Afzal Sayed Munna, et al., 1-30. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.

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This chapter is based on research on learning in phygital transformation in higher education. Texts referring to methodologies as strategies were read and paradigms were created to vivify the transform(active) methodology with disruptive innovation, linked to reflections on disruptive opportunities and phygital transformation, as well as the inclusion of theories regarding educational innovation. It is evident that texts read were analyzed and interpreted from the unveiling of the contemporary world and the face-to-face, remote, and hybrid modes of teaching and learning, as well as of acting and thinking in different times and spaces. Opportunities for disruptive mental configurations in times of Industry 5.0 in higher education emerge through a real universe that is volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, fragile, anxious, non-linear, and incomprehensible. It was concluded that further research is needed, and new paradigms need to be legitimized and recognized by the scientific community.

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