Rethinking Cairo's Informal Settlement in the Light of Hardships

Rethinking Cairo's Informal Settlement in the Light of Hardships

Ahmed Hassan Abayazeed
ISBN13: 9781522592389|ISBN10: 1522592385|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781522592396|EISBN13: 9781522592402
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9238-9.ch015
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Abayazeed, Ahmed Hassan. "Rethinking Cairo's Informal Settlement in the Light of Hardships." Handbook of Research on Digital Research Methods and Architectural Tools in Urban Planning and Design, edited by Hisham Abusaada, et al., IGI Global, 2019, pp. 341-355.


Abayazeed, A. H. (2019). Rethinking Cairo's Informal Settlement in the Light of Hardships. In H. Abusaada, C. Vellguth, & A. Elshater (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Digital Research Methods and Architectural Tools in Urban Planning and Design (pp. 341-355). IGI Global.


Abayazeed, Ahmed Hassan. "Rethinking Cairo's Informal Settlement in the Light of Hardships." In Handbook of Research on Digital Research Methods and Architectural Tools in Urban Planning and Design, edited by Hisham Abusaada, Carsten Vellguth, and Abeer Elshater, 341-355. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2019.

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This chapter aims at understanding and interpreting the informal urban growth in Cairo as a physical objection act against the failing radical ways in managing the city. Accordingly, this chapter tries to analyze both informal physical actions and the formal policies and approaches adopted, and reach reasons for the successes and failures. The chapter first investigates briefly the evolution of Cairo's informal settlements and the hardship conditions behind. Then it examines these settlements through analyzing their two main types. Afterward, it discusses the reasons behind the success of these informal actions. Then it reviews policies and approaches. Consequently, it tries to discover the reasons behind the failure of formal policies and approaches. Thereafter, it discusses briefly using geospatial digital research methods in Cairo's informal settlements. Finally, the chapter ends with a concluded discussion tries to figure out how to reach the right path in dealing with Cairo's informal settlements.

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