Development of E-learning Based on Augmented Reality (AR) on Reduction-Oxidation Reaction Topic


  • Isnanik Juni Fitriyah Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Fajar Marsuki Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Yessi Affriyenni Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia



E-learning, Redox Reaction, Augmented Reality


The concept of electrochemistry is based on reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions and electrolyte solutions. Where this material is difficult to understand because the aspects studied include submicroscopic aspects. It takes teaching materials that are able to display animations of redox reactions. This study aims to develop teaching materials based on Augmented Reality on Redox Reaction material. This type of research includes research and development (R&D) using the ADDIE model with the stages of analysis, design, develop and evaluation. The product will be tested for validity through expert testing and field testing. The validation test of material, media and readability experts to students resulted in a percentage of 92.5%, 94.39% and 91.6% respectively or declared very feasible and very good for use in lectures with several revisions. It can be concluded that AR-based media is stated to be very feasible and very good for use in learning. It is hoped that further testing of the effectiveness of this media will be carried out.




How to Cite

Fitriyah , I. J. ., Marsuki , M. F. ., & Affriyenni , Y. . (2022). Development of E-learning Based on Augmented Reality (AR) on Reduction-Oxidation Reaction Topic. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 16(03), pp. 151–158.



Short Papers