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Attractors for noncompact nonautonomous systems via energy equations

Abstract Related Papers Cited by
  • An extension to the nonautonomous case of the energy equation method for proving the existence of attractors for noncompact systems is presented. A suitable generalization of the asymptotic compactness property to the nonautonomous case, termed uniform asymptotic compactness, is given, and conditions on the energy equation associated with an abstract class of equations that assure the uniform asymptotic compactness are obtained. This general formulation is then applied to a nonautonomous Navier-Stokes system on an infinite channel past an obstacle, with time-dependent forcing and boundary conditions, and to a nonautonomous, weakly damped, forced Korteweg-de Vries equation on the real line.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35B40, 35Q30, 35Q53, 76D05.


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