• CN:11-2187/TH
  • ISSN:0577-6686

机械工程学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (19): 221-238.doi: 10.3901/JME.2020.19.221

• 数字化设计与制造 • 上一篇    下一篇



吴甲民1,2,3, 杨源祺1,2, 王操1,2, 何逸宁1,2, 石婷1,2, 甘恬1,2, 陈双1,2,3, 史玉升1,2,3, 王卫4   

  1. 1. 华中科技大学材料科学与工程学院 武汉 430074;
    2. 华中科技大学材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室 武汉 430074;
    3. 增材制造陶瓷材料教育部工程研究中心 武汉 430074;
    4. 浙江华科三维科技有限公司 温州 325000
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-28 修回日期:2020-05-28 出版日期:2020-10-05 发布日期:2020-11-17
  • 通讯作者: 吴甲民(通信作者),男,1984年出生,博士,副教授,博士研究生导师。主要研究方向为陶瓷增材制造技术及其应用。E-mail:jiaminwu@hust.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Photopolymerization Technologies for Ceramics and Their Applications

WU Jiamin1,2,3, YANG Yuanqi1,2, WANG Cao1,2, HE Yining1,2, SHI Ting1,2, GAN Tian1,2, CHEN Shuang1,2,3, SHI Yusheng1,2,3, WANG Wei4   

  1. 1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074;
    2. State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074;
    3. Engineering Research Center of Ceramic Materials for Additive Manufacturing, Ministry of Education, Wuhan 430074;
    4. Zhejiang Huake 3D Technology Co., Ltd., Wenzhou 325000
  • Received:2020-04-28 Revised:2020-05-28 Online:2020-10-05 Published:2020-11-17

摘要: 陶瓷材料因具有高硬度、高强度、耐高温、抗腐蚀等优异性能,被广泛应用于航空航天、生物医疗等领域,但是应用于上述领域的复杂结构陶瓷的制造仍然是一个重要的挑战。增材制造技术通过逐层堆积材料的方式来获得实体,在制造复杂结构陶瓷方面具有传统成形方式所无法比拟的优势。在众多陶瓷增材制造技术中,陶瓷光固化技术因其理想的成形质量而受到广泛关注和重视。在介绍立体光固化、数字光处理这两种主流陶瓷光固化技术的原理和特点的基础上,系统地介绍和分析了立体光固化技术和数字光处理技术的研究现状、应用以及存在的问题。最后,对陶瓷光固化技术及其应用进行了总结和展望。

关键词: 陶瓷, 增材制造, 光固化技术, 立体光固化, 数字光处理

Abstract: Because of the excellent properties in hardness, strength, temperature resistance and corrosion resistance, etc., ceramic materials are widely used in various fields such as aerospace, biomedical and so on. However, it is still a vital challenge for the manufacturing of ceramics with complex structures applied in the above fields. Additive manufacturing (AM) technology obtains objects by stacking materials layer by layer, which has significant advantages compared with traditional forming methods in manufacturing complex ceramics. Among numerous ceramic AM technologies, ceramic photopolymerization technologies have received extensive attention due to the ideal fabrication quality. Based on the introduction of the principles and characteristics of two mainstream ceramic photopolymerization technologies:stereolithography (SL) and digital light processing (DLP), their research status, applications and existing problems are introduced and analyzed. In the end, a summary and prospect of the ceramic photopolymerization technologies are put forward.

Key words: ceramics, additive manufacturing, photopolymerization technologies, stereolithography, digital light processing
