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Direct Estimate of the Post-Newtonian Parameter and Cosmic Curvature from Galaxy-scale Strong Gravitational Lensing

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Published 2022 February 28 © 2022. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.
, , Citation Jun-Jie Wei et al 2022 ApJL 927 L1 DOI 10.3847/2041-8213/ac551e

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Einstein's theory of general relativity (GR) has been precisely tested on solar system scales, but extragalactic tests are still poorly performed. In this work, we use a newly compiled sample of galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses to test the validity of GR on kiloparsec scales. In order to solve the circularity problem caused by the presumption of a specific cosmological model based on GR, we employ the distance sum rule in the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric to directly estimate the parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) parameter γPPN and the cosmic curvature Ωk by combining observations of strong lensing and Type Ia supernovae. This is the first simultaneous measurement of γPPN and Ωk without any assumptions about the contents of the universe or the theory of gravity. Our results show that ${\gamma }_{\mathrm{PPN}}={1.11}_{-0.09}^{+0.11}$ and ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{k}={0.48}_{-0.71}^{+1.09}$, indicating a strong degeneracy between the two quantities. The measured γPPN, which is consistent with the prediction of 1 from GR, provides a precise extragalactic test of GR with a fractional accuracy better than 9.0%. If a prior of the spatial flatness (i.e., Ωk = 0) is adopted, the PPN parameter constraint can be further improved to ${\gamma }_{\mathrm{PPN}}={1.07}_{-0.07}^{+0.07}$, representing a precision of 6.5%. On the other hand, in the framework of GR (i.e., γPPN = 1), our results are still marginally compatible with zero curvature (${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{k}=-{0.12}_{-0.36}^{+0.48}$), supporting no significant deviation from a flat universe.

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1. Introduction

Einstein's theory of general relativity (GR) is one of the major pillars of modern physics. Any possible violation of GR would have far-reaching consequences for our understanding of fundamental physics; testing GR at a much higher precision has therefore been one of the most enduring pursuits of scientists. At the post-Newtonian level, the validity of GR can be tested by constraining the parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) parameter γPPN because GR predicts exactly γPPN ≡ 1 (Thorne & Will 1971; Will 2006, 2014). Here, γPPN stands for the amount of space curvature generated by a unit rest mass. On solar system scales, tests of GR through numerical values of γPPN have reached high precision. By measuring the arrival-time delay of radar signals passing close to the Sun, the Cassini spacecraft yielded an agreement with GR to 10−3%, i.e., γPPN = 1 + (2.1 ± 2.3) × 10−5 (Bertotti et al. 2003). However, current extragalactic tests of GR are much less precise. On scales of 10–100 Mpc, only ∼20% precision on the constraints of γPPN has been obtained using the joint measurements of weak gravitational lensing and redshift-space distortions (Song et al. 2011; Simpson et al. 2013; Blake et al. 2016). On megaparsec scales, γPPN has been limited to just 30% precision by analyzing the mass profiles of galaxy clusters (Wilcox et al. 2015; Pizzuti et al. 2016).

On kiloparsec scales, strong gravitational lensing (SGL) systems, combined with stellar dynamical data of lensing galaxies, provide an effective tool to verify the weak-field metric of gravity. For a specific SGL system with the foreground galaxy acting as a lens, multiple images, arcs, or even an Einstein ring can form with angular separations close to the so-called Einstein radius (Chakraborty & SenGupta 2017). In theory, the Einstein radius is related to the mass of the lens, the PPN parameter γPPN, and a ratio of three angular diameter distances (i.e., the distances from the observer to the lens and the source, Dl and Ds , and the distance between the lens and the source Dls ) (Cao et al. 2015). With the required angular diameter distances and measurements of the lens mass and the Einstein radius, one can therefore constrain γPPN and test whether GR is a suitable theory of gravity on the corresponding scales. This method was first performed on 15 lensing galaxies from the Sloan Lens ACS Survey by Bolton et al. (2006), which yielded γPPN = 0.98 ± 0.07 based on prior assumptions on galaxy structure from local observations. Subsequently, different SGL samples have been used to test the accuracy of GR (Smith 2009; Schwab et al. 2010; Cao et al. 2017; Collett et al. 2018; Yang et al. 2020; Liu et al. 2021). In most previous studies, the distance information required to constrain the PPN parameter γPPN is provided by the prediction of the standard ΛCDM cosmological model. It should, however, be emphasized that ΛCDM is established based on the framework of GR. Thus, there is a circularity problem in testing GR (Liu et al. 2021). To overcome this problem, one has to determine the lensing distance ratio in a cosmology-independent way.

The circularity problem can be alleviated by determining the two distances Dl and Ds through observations of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). But, the distance Dls cannot be determined directly from the observations. In the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) metric, these three distances are related via the distance sum rule (DSR), which depends on the curvature parameter of the universe Ωk . Turning this around, supposing that the universe is described by the FLRW metric, we can use combined observations of strong lensing and SNe Ia to estimate not only γPPN but also Ωk independently of the cosmological model (Cao et al. 2017). Based on the DSR in the FLRW metric, and assuming that GR is valid (i.e., γPPN = 1), model-independent constraints on the cosmic curvature Ωk have been implemented by combining SGL systems with other distance indicators (Räsänen et al. 2015; Liao et al. 2017; Xia et al. 2017; Denissenya et al. 2018; Li et al. 2018a, 2018b, 2019; Cao et al. 2019, 2021; Collett et al. 2019; Liao 2019; Qi et al. 2019a, 2019b, 2021; Liu et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2020; Wei & Melia 2020; Zhou & Li 2020; Dhawan et al. 2021). Without the prior assumption on GR, Cao et al. (2017) proposed that this cosmology-independent method could be extended to study the degeneracy between the PPN parameter γPPN and the curvature parameter Ωk . They used the simulated strong-lensing data to estimate both γPPN and Ωk . We will now for the first time apply such a method to real data.

We should note that a recent work by Liu et al. (2021) used strong lensing and SNe Ia to obtain model-independent constraints on γPPN within the framework of the flat FLRW metric (i.e., Ωk = 0). However, Cao et al. (2017) proved that there exists a significant degeneracy between γPPN and Ωk by simulation. Obviously, a simple flatness assumption may lead to a biased estimate of γPPN, even if the real curvature is tiny. Therefore, it would be better to simultaneously optimize γPPN and Ωk , as we do in this work.

The outline of this work is as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the gravitational lensing theory and the DSR method. In Section 3, we describe the observational data used for our analysis. Model-independent constraints on γPPN and Ωk are presented in Section 4. Finally, a brief summary and discussions are given in Section 5.

2. Methodology

In the limit of a weak gravitational field, the general form of the Schwarzschild metric for a point mass M can be written as

Equation (1)

where γPPN is the PPN parameter and Ω is the angle in the invariant orbital plane. In GR, γPPN is predicted to be 1.

2.1. Gravitational Lensing Theory

The core idea of using the SGL systems to test gravity is that the gravitational mass ${M}_{{\rm{E}}}^{\mathrm{grl}}$ and the dynamical mass ${M}_{{\rm{E}}}^{\mathrm{dyn}}$ enclosed within the Einstein ring should be equivalent, i.e.,

Equation (2)

From the theory of gravitational lensing, the gravitational mass ${M}_{{\rm{E}}}^{\mathrm{grl}}$ is related to the Einstein angle θE (reflecting the angular separation between multiple images; Cao et al. 2017)

Equation (3)

where Ds is the angular diameter distance to the source, Dl is the angular diameter distance to the lens, and Dls is the angular diameter distance between the lens and the source (Cao et al. 2015). By substituting the Einstein ring radius RE = θE Dl , one can further figure out

Equation (4)

Given the mass distribution model for the lensing galaxy, the dynamical mass ${M}_{{\rm{E}}}^{\mathrm{dyn}}$ can be inferred from the spectroscopic measurement of the lens velocity dispersion. Here we adopt a general mass model with power-law density profiles for the lensing galaxy (Koopmans 2006; Cao et al. 2016):

Equation (5)

where r is the spherical radial coordinate from the lens center, ρ(r) is the total (i.e., luminous plus dark matter) mass density, and ν(r) denotes the luminosity density of stars. The parameter β(r) represents the anisotropy of the stellar velocity dispersion, which relates to the velocity dispersions, ${\sigma }_{t}^{2}$ and ${\sigma }_{r}^{2}$, in the tangential and radial directions. Also, α and δ are the slopes of the power-law density profiles. It is worth noting that the total mass density slope α is significantly dependent on both the lens redshift zl and the surface mass density (e.g., Sonnenfeld et al. 2013; Chen et al. 2019). Chen et al. (2019) proved that the most compatible lens mass model is

Equation (6)

where α0, αz , and αs are free parameters. Here $\tilde{{\rm{\Sigma }}}$ denotes the normalized surface mass density of the lensing galaxy, which is given by $\tilde{{\rm{\Sigma }}}=\tfrac{{\left({\sigma }_{0}/100\,\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}\right)}^{2}}{{R}_{\mathrm{eff}}/10\,{h}^{-1}\,\mathrm{kpc}}$, where σ0 is the observed velocity dispersion, h = H0/(100 km s−1 Mpc−1) is the reduced Hubble constant, and Reff is the half-light radius of the lensing galaxy. In the literature, the velocity anisotropy parameter β is usually assumed to be independent of r (e.g., Koopmans et al. 2006; Treu et al. 2010). From a well-studied sample of nearby elliptical galaxies (Gerhard et al. 2001), the posterior probability of β is found to be characterized by a Gaussian distribution, β = 0.18 ± 0.13, that is extensively adopted in previous works (e.g., Bolton et al. 2006; Schwab et al. 2010; Cao et al. 2017; Chen et al. 2019; Liu et al. 2021). Following these previous works, we will marginalize the anisotropy parameter β using a Gaussian prior of β = 0.18 ± 0.13 over the range of $\left[\bar{\beta }-2{\sigma }_{\beta },\bar{\beta }+2{\sigma }_{\beta }\right]$, where $\bar{\beta }=0.18$ and σβ = 0.13.

Based on the radial Jeans equation in spherical coordinate, the radial velocity dispersion of luminous matter in early-type lens galaxies can be expressed as

Equation (7)

where M(r) is the total mass contained within a spherical radius r. With the mass density profiles in Equation (5), we can derive the relation between the dynamical mass ${M}_{{\rm{E}}}^{\mathrm{dyn}}$ enclosed within the Einstein ring radius RE and M(r) as (see Koopmans 2006; Chen et al. 2019 for the detailed derivation)

Equation (8)

where $\lambda (x)={\rm{\Gamma }}\left(\tfrac{x-1}{2}\right)/{\rm{\Gamma }}\left(\tfrac{x}{2}\right)$ stands for the ratio of two respective Gamma functions. By substituting Equations (8) and (5) into Equation (7), one can have

Equation (9)

where ξ = α + δ − 2.

The actual velocity dispersion of the lensing galaxy is effectively averaged by line-of-sight luminosity and measured over the effective spectroscopic aperture RA, which can be expressed as (see Chen et al. 2019 for the detailed derivation)

Equation (10)


Equation (11)

Lastly, with the relations expressed in Equations (2) and (4), Equation (10) can be rewritten as

Equation (12)

where RA = θA Dl .

From the spectroscopic data, one can measure the lens velocity dispersion σap inside the circular aperture with the angular radius θap. In practice, the luminosity-weighted average of the line-of-sight velocity dispersion σap measured within a certain aperture should be normalized to a typical physical aperture with the radius θeff/2,

Equation (13)

where θeff = Reff/Dl is the effective angular radius of the lensing galaxy. Following Chen et al. (2019), we adopt the value of the correction factor η = −0.066 ± 0.035 from Cappellari et al. (2006). Then, we can calculate the total uncertainty of ${\sigma }_{0}^{\mathrm{obs}}$ using the expression

Equation (14)

where ${\rm{\Delta }}{\sigma }_{0}^{\mathrm{stat}}$ is the statistical uncertainty propagated from the measurement error of σap. The uncertainty caused by the aperture correction, ${\rm{\Delta }}{\sigma }_{0}^{\mathrm{AC}}$, is propagated from the error of η. The extra mass contribution from other matters (outside of the lensing galaxy) along the line of sight in the estimation of ${M}_{{\rm{E}}}^{\mathrm{grl}}$ can be treated as a systematic uncertainty ${\rm{\Delta }}{\sigma }_{0}^{\mathrm{sys}}$, which contributes an uncertainty of ∼3% to the velocity dispersion (Jiang & Kochanek 2007).

With Equation (12), the theoretical value of the velocity dispersion within the radius θeff/2 takes the form (Koopmans 2006)

Equation (15)

For the case of α = δ = 2 and β = 0, the mass model is reduced to the singular isothermal sphere (SIS) model, and the theoretical value of the velocity dispersion is simplified as ${\sigma }_{\mathrm{SIS}}=\sqrt{\tfrac{{c}^{2}}{4\pi }\tfrac{2}{\left(1+{\gamma }_{\mathrm{PPN}}\right)}\tfrac{{D}_{s}}{{D}_{{ls}}}{\theta }_{{\rm{E}}}}$.

By comparing the observational values of the velocity dispersions (Equation (13)) with the corresponding theoretical ones (Equation (15)), one can place constraints on the PPN parameter γPPN. For this purpose, it is also necessary to know the distance ratio Ds /Dls , which is conventionally calculated in the context of flat ΛCDM (Schwab et al. 2010; Cao et al. 2017). However, a circularity problem exists in this approach because the standard ΛCDM cosmological model is built on the framework of GR (Liu et al. 2021). In order to avoid the circularity problem, we will apply a cosmology-independent method to constrain γPPN. This method is based on the sum rule of distances along null geodesics of the FLRW metric.

2.2. Distance Sum Rule

If space is exactly homogeneous and isotropic, the FLRW metric can be used to describe the spacetime geometry of the universe. In the FLRW metric, the dimensionless comoving distance d(zl , zs ) ≡ (H0/c)(1 + zs )DA (zl , zs ) is given by

Equation (16)

where Ωk is the curvature parameter and E(z) = H(z)/H0 is the dimensionless Hubble parameter. Also, $\mathrm{sinn}(x)=\sinh (x)$ for Ωk > 0 and $\mathrm{sinn}(x)=\sin (x)$ for Ωk < 0. For a flat universe with Ωk = 0, Equation (16) reduces to a linear function of the integral. For an SGL system with the notations d(z) ≡ d(0, z), dl d(0, zl ), ds d(0, zs ), and dls d(zl , zs ), a simple sum rule of distances in the FLRW framework can be easily derived as (Peebles 1993; Bernstein 2006; Räsänen et al. 2015)

Equation (17)

This relation is very general because it only assumes that geometrical optics holds and that light propagation is described with the FLRW metric. Once the derived Ωk from the three distances (dl , ds , and dls ) is observationally found to be different for any two pairs of (zl , zs ), we can rule out the FLRW metric.

Given independent measurements of dl and ds on the right side of Equation (17), we are able to access the dimensionless distance ratio dls /ds , 6 depending only on the curvature parameter Ωk (Geng et al. 2020; Liu et al. 2020; Zheng et al. 2021). Therefore, we can directly determine γPPN and Ωk from Equations (15) and (17) without involving any specific cosmological model.

3. Observational Data

3.1. Supernova Data: The Distances dl and ds

In order to obtain model-independent estimate of γPPN and Ωk via Equations (15) and (17), we need to know the distances dl and ds on the right-hand-side terms of Equation (17). In principle, we can use different kinds of distance indicators such as standard candles, sirens, and rulers for providing these two distances. Here, we use SN Ia observations to obtain dl and ds .

Scolnic et al. (2018) released the largest combined sample of SNe Ia called Pantheon, which contains 1048 SNe in the redshift range 0.01 < z < 2.3. Generally, the observed distance modulus of each SN is given by ${\mu }_{\mathrm{SN}}={m}_{B}+\kappa \cdot {X}_{1}-\omega \cdot { \mathcal C }-{M}_{B}$, where mB is the observed peak magnitude in the rest-frame B band, X1 and ${ \mathcal C }$ are the light-curve stretch factor and the SN color at maximum brightness, respectively, and MB is a nuisance parameter that represents the absolute B-band magnitude of a fiducial SN. Here, κ and ω are two light-curve parameters, which could be calibrated to zero through a method called BEAMS with Bias Corrections (BBC; Kessler & Scolnic 2017). With the BBC method, Scolnic et al. (2018) reported the corrected apparent magnitudes ${m}_{\mathrm{corr}}={\mu }_{\mathrm{SN}}+{M}_{B}$ for all SNe. Therefore, the observed distance moduli ${\mu }_{\mathrm{SN}}$ can be directly obtained by subtracting MB from mcorr.

As proposed in Räsänen et al. (2015), we determine the dimensionless distances dl and ds by fitting a polynomial to the Pantheon SN Ia data. Here, we parameterize the dimensionless distance function as a third-order polynomial with initial conditions d(0) = 0 and $d^{\prime} (0)=1$, i.e.,

Equation (18)

where a1 and a2 are two free parameters that need to be optimized along with the absolute magnitude MB . We find that higher-order polynomials do not improve the fitting performance, taking into account the larger number of free parameters. That is, a simple third-order polynomial is flexible enough to fit the SN Ia data.

Given a vector of distance residuals of the Pantheon SN sample that may be expressed as ${\rm{\Delta }}\hat{{\boldsymbol{\mu }}}={\hat{{\boldsymbol{\mu }}}}_{\mathrm{SN}}-{\hat{{\boldsymbol{\mu }}}}_{\mathrm{model}}$, where ${\hat{{\boldsymbol{\mu }}}}_{\mathrm{SN}}$ (${\hat{{\boldsymbol{\mu }}}}_{\mathrm{model}}$) is the observed (model) vector of distance moduli, the likelihood for the model fit is defined by

Equation (19)

where Cov is a covariance matrix that includes both statistical and systematic uncertainties of SNe. Here the observed vector ${\hat{{\boldsymbol{\mu }}}}_{\mathrm{SN}}$ is given by ${\mu }_{\mathrm{SN},i}={m}_{\mathrm{corr},i}-{M}_{B}$, and the model vector ${\hat{{\boldsymbol{\mu }}}}_{\mathrm{model}}$ is determined by ${\mu }_{\mathrm{model},i}=5{\mathrm{log}}_{10}[{D}_{L}({z}_{i})/10\ \mathrm{pc}]=5{\mathrm{log}}_{10}[(1+{z}_{i})d({z}_{i})]-5{\mathrm{log}}_{10}(10\ \mathrm{pc}\ {H}_{0}/c)$. Given the degeneracy between the absolute magnitude MB and the Hubble constant H0, we adopt a fiducial H0 = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1 for the sake of optimizing MB .

3.2. Strong-lensing Data: The Distance Ratio dls /ds

According to the analysis in Section 2.1, one can learn that the underlying method requires the following observational information of each SGL system, including the source redshift zs , the lens redshift zl , the Einstein angle θE, the half-light angular radius of the lensing galaxy θeff, the spectroscopic aperture angular radius θap, and the lens velocity dispersion σap measured within θap.

Recently, Chen et al. (2019) compiled a sample of 161 galaxy-scale SGL systems with gravitational lensing and stellar velocity dispersion measurements. In this sample, the slopes of the luminosity density profile δ of 130 SGL systems were measured by fitting the two-dimensional power-law luminosity profile convolved with the instrumental point-spread function to imaging data over a circle of radius θeff/2 centered on the lens galaxies. By constraining the cosmological parameter Ωm separately with the entire sample of 161 SGL systems (treating δ as a universal parameter for all lenses) and the truncated sample of 130 systems (treating δ as an observable for each lens), Chen et al. (2019) suggested that the intrinsic scatter δ among the lenses should be considered in order to get an unbiased estimate of Ωm. Therefore, we adopt this truncated sample of 130 SGL systems with δ measurements for the analysis demonstrated in this paper. The redshift ranges of lens and source galaxies of these 130 SGL systems are 0.0624 ≤ zl ≤ 0.7224 and 0.1970 ≤ zs ≤ 2.8324, respectively.

One of the limitations we must deal with in using the SGL data, however, is that the SN Ia measurements extend only to z = 2.3. As such, only a subset of the SGL sample that overlaps with the SN Ia catalog is actually available. Our analysis will therefore be based only on the 120 SGL systems with zs < 2.3. The likelihood function for strong-lensing data is then constructed as

Equation (20)

4. Cosmology-independent Constraints on γPPN and Ωk

We obtain cosmology-independent constraints on γPPN and Ωk by fitting the strong-lensing and SN data simultaneously using the Python Markov Chain Monte Carlo module EMCEE (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2013). The final log-likelihood sampled by EMCEE is a sum of the likelihoods of the SGL systems and SNe Ia:

Equation (21)

The third-order polynomial modeling the distance function d(z) has two free parameters (a1 and a2). The absolute magnitude MB enters into the SN likelihood as a nuisance parameter. The PPN parameter γPPN and the lens model parameters (α0, αz , and αs ) enter into the SGL likelihood as four free parameters. In addition, the dls /ds given by Equation (17) involves the curvature parameter Ωk , making it eight free parameters in total.

By marginalizing the lens model parameters (α0, αz , and αs ), the polynomial coefficients (a1 and a2), and the SN absolute magnitude MB , we obtain the 1D and 2D marginalized probability distributions with 1σ–2σ confidence regions for γPPN and Ωk , which are presented in Figure 1. These contours show that, whereas ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{k}={0.48}_{-0.71}^{+1.09}$ is weakly constrained, we can set a good limit of ${\gamma }_{\mathrm{PPN}}={1.11}_{-0.09}^{+0.11}$ at the 68% confidence level. The inferred value of the PPN parameter is compatible with the prediction of γPPN = 1 from GR. The constraint accuracy of γPPN is about 9.0%. As shown in Table 1, the lens model parameters are constrained to be ${\alpha }_{0}={1.266}_{-0.105}^{+0.105}$, ${\alpha }_{z}=-{0.332}_{-0.188}^{+0.169}$, and ${\alpha }_{s}={0.656}_{-0.065}^{+0.065}$ at the 68% confidence level, which are consistent with the results of Chen et al. (2019). We find that αz = 0 is ruled out at ∼2σ level and αs = 0 is ruled out at ∼ 10σ level, confirming the significant dependencies of the total mass density slope α on both the lens redshift and the surface mass density.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. 1D and 2D marginalized probability distributions with 1σ and 2σ confidence contours for the PPN parameter γPPN and cosmic curvature Ωk . The dashed lines correspond to a flat universe with the validity of GR (Ωk = 0, γPPN = 1).

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Table 1. Cosmology-independent Constraints on All Parameters from the Pantheon SN Ia and SGL Observations Using Various Choices of Priors

Priors γPPN Ωk α0 αz αs a1 a2 MB
None ${1.11}_{-0.09}^{+0.11}$ ${0.48}_{-0.71}^{+1.09}$ ${1.266}_{-0.105}^{+0.105}$ $-{0.332}_{-0.188}^{+0.169}$ ${0.656}_{-0.065}^{+0.065}$ $-{0.245}_{-0.021}^{+0.021}$ ${0.018}_{-0.016}^{+0.016}$ $-{19.348}_{-0.011}^{+0.011}$
Ωk = 0 ${1.07}_{-0.07}^{+0.07}$ ${1.259}_{-0.103}^{+0.103}$ $-{0.238}_{-0.095}^{+0.093}$ ${0.649}_{-0.064}^{+0.064}$ $-{0.245}_{-0.021}^{+0.021}$ ${0.017}_{-0.016}^{+0.016}$ $-{19.348}_{-0.011}^{+0.011}$
γPPN = 1 $-{0.12}_{-0.36}^{+0.48}$ ${1.200}_{-0.088}^{+0.087}$ $-{0.188}_{-0.120}^{+0.114}$ ${0.674}_{-0.062}^{+0.062}$ $-{0.242}_{-0.021}^{+0.021}$ ${0.015}_{-0.016}^{+0.016}$ $-{19.349}_{-0.011}^{+0.011}$

Download table as:  ASCIITypeset image

If a prior of flatness (i.e., Ωk = 0) is adopted, the resulting posterior probability distribution for γPPN is shown in Figure 2. The result ${\gamma }_{\mathrm{PPN}}={1.07}_{-0.07}^{+0.07}$ (1σ confidence level) is in good agreement with γPPN = 1 predicted by GR, and its constraint accuracy is improved to about 6.5%. If we instead assume GR holds (i.e., γPPN = 1) and allow Ωk to be a free parameter, we obtain the marginalized probability distribution for Ωk , as illustrated in Figure 3. The curvature parameter is constrained to be ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{k}=-{0.12}_{-0.36}^{+0.48}$, consistent with a flat universe. The corresponding results for all parameters are summarized in lines 1–3 of Table 1 for the cases with no priors, the prior of Ωk = 0, and the prior of γPPN = 1, respectively. The comparison among these three cases indicates that the nuisance parameters (α0, αz , αs , a1, a2, and MB ) have little effect on the PPN parameter γPPN and cosmic curvature Ωk .

Figure 2.

Figure 2. 1D marginalized probability distribution of the PPN parameter γPPN, assuming a flat universe. The vertical dashed line represents the prediction of 1 from GR.

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Figure 3.

Figure 3. 1D marginalized probability distribution of the curvature parameter Ωk , assuming GR holds on. The vertical dashed line corresponds to a spatially flat universe.

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5. Summary and Discussions

Galaxy-scale strong-lensing systems with measured stellar velocity dispersions provide an excellent extragalactic test of GR by constraining the PPN parameter (γPPN). Measuring γPPN in this manner, however, one has to know the lensing distances (the angular diameter distances between the source, lens, and observer), which are conventionally calculated within the standard ΛCDM cosmological model. Because ΛCDM itself is built on the theoretical framework of GR, these distance calculations would involve a circularity problem. In this work, aiming to overcome the circularity problem, we have applied the DSR in the FLRW metric to obtain cosmology-independent constraints on both γPPN and the cosmic curvature parameter Ωk . Though the DSR method has been used to directly infer the value of Ωk by confronting observations of SGL systems with SN Ia luminosity distances, the simultaneous measurement of Ωk and γPPN has not yet been achieved by the community in the literature.

Combining 120 well-measured SGL systems at zs < 2.3 with the latest Pantheon SN Ia observations, we have simultaneously placed limits on γPPN and Ωk without any assumptions about the contents of the universe or the theory of gravity. This analysis suggests that the PPN parameter is constrained to be ${\gamma }_{\mathrm{PPN}}={1.11}_{-0.09}^{+0.11}$, representing a precision of 9.0%, consistent with the prediction of 1 from GR at a 68% confidence level. Meanwhile, the optimized curvature parameter is ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{k}={0.48}_{-0.71}^{+1.09}$. If using the spatial flatness as a prior, we find ${\gamma }_{\mathrm{PPN}}={1.07}_{-0.07}^{+0.07}$, representing an agreement with GR to 6.5%. Assuming GR is valid and allowing Ωk to be a free parameter, we infer that ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{k}=-{0.12}_{-0.36}^{+0.48}$. This cosmic curvature value does not significantly deviate from a flat universe.

Previously, Cao et al. (2017) obtained a 25% precision on the determination of γPPN by analyzing a sample of 80 lenses in the flat ΛCDM model. Under the assumption of fiducial ΛCDM cosmology with parameters taken from Planck observations, Collett et al. (2018) estimated γPPN on scales around 2 kpc to be 0.97 ± 0.09 (representing a 9.3% precision measurement) by using a nearby SGL system, ESO 325-G004. Yang et al. (2020) derived ${\gamma }_{\mathrm{PPN}}={0.87}_{-0.17}^{+0.19}$ (representing a precision of 21%) for flat ΛCDM using a sample of four time-delay lenses. Within the framework of the flat FLRW metric, Liu et al. (2021) used 120 strong-lensing data to obtain a model-independent constraint of ${\gamma }_{\mathrm{PPN}}={1.065}_{-0.074}^{+0.064}$ (representing a precision of 6.5%) by implementing Gaussian processes to extract the SN distances. Despite not assuming a specific cosmological model, the uncertainties in our constraints are comparable to these previous results. Most importantly, our method offers a new cosmology-independent way of simultaneously constraining both γPPN and Ωk .

Forthcoming lens surveys such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, with improved depth, area, and resolution, will be able to increase the current galactic-scale lens sample sizes by orders of magnitude (Collett 2015). With such abundant observational information in the future, the mass-dynamical structure of the lensing galaxies will be better characterized, and model-independent constraints on the PPN parameter γPPN and cosmic curvature Ωk , as discussed in this work, will be considerably improved.

Finally, we investigated whether the approximation of the dimensionless distance function d(z) (as a linear polynomial; see Equation (18)) affects the inference of γPPN. To probe the dependence of the outcome on the approximation of d(z), we also performed a parallel comparative analysis of the SGL and SN Ia data using the exact expression in the flat ΛCDM model, i.e., $d(z)={\int }_{0}^{z}\tfrac{{\rm{d}}z^{\prime} }{\sqrt{{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{{\rm{m}}}{\left(1+z^{\prime} \right)}^{3}+1-{{\rm{\Omega }}}_{{\rm{m}}}}}$. In this case, the free parameters are the PPN parameter γPPN, the lens model parameters (α0, αz , and αs ), the matter density parameter Ωm, and the SN absolute magnitude MB . We found that the constraints are ${\gamma }_{\mathrm{PPN}}={1.07}_{-0.07}^{+0.07}$, ${\alpha }_{0}={1.254}_{-0.103}^{+0.103}$, ${\alpha }_{z}=-{0.232}_{-0.093}^{+0.090}$, ${\alpha }_{s}={0.653}_{-0.064}^{+0.064}$, ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{{\rm{m}}}={0.302}_{-0.022}^{+0.022}$, and ${M}_{B}=-{19.350}_{-0.011}^{+0.011}$. Comparing these inferred parameters with those obtained with the linear polynomial fit (see line 2 in Table 1), it is clear that the linear polynomial function provides a good approximation of d(z) and the adoption of the exact expression for d(z) in the flat ΛCDM model only has a minimal influence on these results.

We would like to thank the anonymous referee for helpful comments. This work is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant Nos. 11988101, 11725314, U1831122, 12041306, 11633001, 11920101003, 12021003, and 12033008), the Youth Innovation Promotion Association (2017366), the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences (grant No. ZDBS-LY-7014) of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Science (grant No. XDB23000000), the Major Science and Technology Project of Qinghai Province (2019-ZJ-A10), the China Manned Space Project (Nos. CMS-CSST-2021-B11, CMS-CSST-2021-B01, and CMS-CSST-2021-A01), the Guangxi Key Laboratory for Relativistic Astrophysics, the K. C. Wong Education Foundation, and the Interdiscipline Research Funds of Beijing Normal University.


  • 6  

    Note that dls /ds is just equal to the ratio of the angular diameter distances Dls /Ds .

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