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A Study on the Inheriting Relationship between College Music Teaching and National Music Culture

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DOI: 10.38007/Proceedings.0000640


Yibing Bao

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Yibing Bao


The rapid arrival of global economic integration has created new opportunities for the development of Chinese College Music Teaching. At the same time, cultural differences between the East and the West in College Music Teaching, have more and more significant impact on China nation due to cultural heritage. Therefore, universities and colleges should deeply explore and study the method of inheriting Chinese National music culture in the new era, based on the full attention to to the cultural differences between China and the West. Develop a scientific and reasonable training plan for student music literacy, integrate the nation because of cultural inheritance with modern music teaching, so as create a good atmosphere for inheritance of national excellent music culture. For this purpose, this paper systematically expounds the problems existing in College Music Teaching, and studies the strategies of inheriting College Music Teaching and National music culture from the aspects of teaching methods, teaching concepts, and music culture.


College Music Teaching; National music culture; Thought emotion; Cultural heritage