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Pongratz, H., Abbenhardt, L. Selbständigkeit, Unternehmertum oder Entrepreneurship?. . Differenzierungen der Felder unternehmerischen Handelns. Sozialer Fortschritt, 64(9–10), 209-215.
Pongratz, Hans J. and Abbenhardt, Lisa "Selbständigkeit, Unternehmertum oder Entrepreneurship?. Differenzierungen der Felder unternehmerischen Handelns. " Sozialer Fortschritt 64.9–10, 2015, 209-215.
Pongratz, Hans J./Abbenhardt, Lisa (2015): Selbständigkeit, Unternehmertum oder Entrepreneurship?, in: Sozialer Fortschritt, vol. 64, iss. 9–10, 209-215, [online]


Selbständigkeit, Unternehmertum oder Entrepreneurship?

Differenzierungen der Felder unternehmerischen Handelns

Pongratz, Hans J. | Abbenhardt, Lisa

Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 64 (2015), Iss. 9–10 : pp. 209–215

7 Citations (CrossRef)

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Article Details


Author Details

Pongratz, Prof. Dr. Hans J., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Konradstraße 6, 80801 München

Abbenhardt, Lisa, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Konradstraße 6, 80801 München

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Self-employment, Capitalistic Enterprise or Entrepreneurship? Analytical Differentiations of Entrepreneurial Action

Although Entrepreneurship has become a term of vast importance to the economic sciences, it does not cover all aspects of entrepreneurial action from a sociological point of view. We therefore suggest an analytical differentiation of entrepreneurial action, by distinguishing different forms of referring to markets. We consider self-employment as a form of occupation in which the central problem is meeting market demands with one"s own labour. In contrast, capitalistic enterprises mainly concentrate on raising profit rates of their investments. Entrepreneurship, however, describes entrepreneurial opportunities to establish innovative (economic, social, or cultural) projects within a competitive environment. Self-employment, capitalistic enterprise and entrepreneurship may be distinguished as institutionalised social fields implying different norms and discourses to which entrepreneurial action refers in various ways.