


From 2.6mm line of 12CO ( 1-0 ) molecular we utilize from data of 72 spceimens of Markarian galaxies
have IR luminosity (Lfir ~ 1010L ) and inclination < i > between( 0o – 74.4o ) to investigation starformation activity
from study of Hydrogen molecular ( H2 ) properties wherfrom estimation its abundunce and mass then prediction that
most of molecular gas concetrate in central region of the samples , where ( CO,H2 ) look at as important tool to study
galaxies structure and activities due to of staformation and its relation with other variables.Whereas most sample is late
type spiral galaxies , our study emphasize that most interstellar molecular gas is ( H2 ) that can’t observed easly exept
by study of CO distribution or Luminosity ( Lco ).