ABC Heart Fail Cardiomyop 2023; 3(1): e20230026

Precision Medicine in Cardiomyopathies

Fernando Rabioglio Giugni ORCID logo , José Eduardo Krieger ORCID logo

DOI: 10.36660/abchf.20230026


Precision Medicine is an innovative clinical approach that uses a wide range of data to assess patients, including genetic and molecular information. Thanks to technological advances and cost reductions, new technologies have been incorporated into clinical practice, such as next-generation sequencing methods. Recently, clinical guidelines have recommended the use of genetic tests in patients with cardiomyopathies, which can have a major impact on etiological diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and family screening. Furthermore, biomarkers obtained by means of imaging tests, wearables, and omics are becoming increasingly relevant in clinical practice, bringing significant benefits to patients with cardiomyopathies. Promising prospects for new treatments using RNA interference, pluripotent cells, and gene editing should be part of the therapeutic arsenal in the coming decades. However, there are still challenges to be overcome, such as the need for professional training, the implementation of adequate flows in the health system, and the cost of technologies. Based on this context, this review aims to address different aspects of Precision Medicine and its relevance to the field of cardiomyopathies.

Precision Medicine in Cardiomyopathies


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