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KCI 등재
1920년대 말∼1930년대 전반 토목담합사건 연구
A Study on the Civil Engineering Price-fixing Incidents in Colonial Chosun from the Late 1920s to the First Half of 1930s
고태우 ( Ko Tae Woo )
역사문제연구 42권 433-486(54pages)
DOI 10.36432/CSMKH.42.201910.11
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-900-000220872

Price-fixing in the civil engineering and construction industry continued from the late 1920s to the early 1930s due to clashes between the Associations and excluded regional contractors. Contractors began forming alliances with officials in charge of civil engineering and construction projects in local governments and attempted to increase their profits through collusion. Price-fixing and corruption caused people to think poorly of the civil engineering and construction industry. A particularly shameful situation occurred in the case of Kyongsong civil engineering price-fixing incident (京城土木談合事件) in 1932 when major members of the Association were revealed to have engaged in price-fixing over a poverty relief project (窮民救濟土木事業) that was intended to reduce unemployment. As Choson society’s criticism of the construction and civil engineering industry became stronger, the Japanese Government-General of Korea cracked down on its activities. Ultimately, the Association suffered a heavy blow when a majority of its important members were convicted of engaging in illegal activities. It was finally dissolved in 1934. On the one hand, however, colonial power reached a certain compromise with the major contractors by lukewarm handling of the judicial ruling on the contractors and amending the construction contract system in favor of the major contractors, as the civil contractors were needed to carry out the Governor-General's policies.

1. 문제 제기
2. 토건업계 내부의 경쟁 심화와 토목담합사건의 전개
3. 식민권력의 토건업계 통제와 그 결과
4. 식민권력과 유력 토건업계의 타협
5. 맺음말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]