
The purpose of this study is to consider the possibility of desire control. The central themes of eco-literature are mosy certainly the various branches of ecology as well as the aspiration to create a continuance of peaceful co-existence for both humanity and othr life on earth. Respectable eco-poetry should provide a genuine motive and stimulus to incite the eco-centric actions of humanity for realistic utilization. Eco-poetry should not simply preach the contents of ideals but rather should approach the readers through metaphorically foundational literary works. Definitional diversity found in metaphors along with the reader's experiences' and imagination's possibilities interact together within a wide spectrum to become a catalytic existence in enlightening the reader's eco-centric awareness. Sentimental impression made by eco-poetry can provide chances for real awareness that serves to be a ecocentric future.


생태중심적 자각, 생태론적 인식, 생태시


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