
In recent cases where the content of the crime is serious, and attracts a lot of attention, the information about the suspect is usually disclosed by the media. This happens because the law stipulates that in cases of certain violent crimes and sexual assault crimes, exceptions can be made to remove the protection from the suspect’s personal information. In addition, Article 68 of the Juvenile Act prohibits the reporting of juvenile offenses and juveniles who are under investigation or in trial, so that if the suspect is a juvenile, their personal information and photos may not be disclosed under any circumstances. Juveniles are still mentally or morally immature, as a result, even if they commit a crime, they are less liable than adults under the concept of protectionism in juvenile law. Furthermore, there is a reasonable aspect to prevent juveniles from reporting crime, even if they commit criminal acts, in order to help them grow healthily for the purpose of juvenile law. However, the crimes by some juveniles can be so inhuman and serious, that this protection of juveniles is questioned. As a result of comparative legal investigation, the U.S., Japan, and Brazil allow the cases of juvenile offenders as well as their information to be officially disclosed in exceptional cases of juvenile crimes. In other words, if the protection of public interest is greater than the protection of the juveniles, even if the aggressor is a juvenile, then the public’s right to know should be guaranteed and the juvenile’s name or photo should be revealed. This way, it is possible to prevent a recidivism from the violent crime. Subsequently, the law needs to be revised for the sake of ensuring social awareness of the violent crime. The public has the right to know personal information of juvenile offenders in extremely exceptional cases in which a serious damage, such as death, has been caused. Of course, even in exceptional cases, judicious judgment based on strict criteria is necessary, despite the fact whether it is possible to disclose personal information or not.


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