
This study examines the formative foundation of the deity Leem Kyeong-Up in the west coast area in Korea. The formation of Leem Kyeong-Up belief has been studied by many scholars. In the present paper, the formative foundation will be explored centering on the relation between Leem Kyeong-Up and Yellow-Corvina Fishery as well as regional circumstances which have been mentioned by other scholars. The background can be summarized with the view points of regional circumstances and Yellow-Corvina Fishery, as follows: First, Leem Kyeong-Up is the founder of some villages in the west coast area, and because of him, Yellow-Corvina Fishery was started in west coast area. It was Leem Kyeong-Up who reclaimed the land and started Yellow-Corvina Fishery for the first time in this area. Therefore, he was a very important person at that time. That is why people have believed in the deity Leem Kyeong-Up even after he died. Secondly, fishery techniques changed in those days. To understand this we need to consider two points. One is the total number of fishermen. Due to the change of technique, they needed more hands. Given this circumstance, fishermen wanted to have a strong god who promoted relationships among them. The god was the deity Leem Kyeong-Up associated with Yellow-Corvina Fishery. The other point to consider is a change in sailing distance. Because of the technique change, it became possible to sail much further to catch fish. However, long-distance fishing involved some risk. It could even take people’s lives. Therefore, fishermen believed that Leem Kyeong-Up had supernatural power to avoid danger. They also wished that the god would look after the fishery. Therefore the change during this time has had an effect on the deification of Leem Kyeong-Up, who actually lived and died as a man a long time ago. For many reasons, including the geographical placement of the island Yeonpyeongdo, and the fishing technique changes, fishermen needed a new god they could rely on. In other words, because they went through the process of lifestyle changes, a strong god was required.


Leem Kyeong up, Deity, Yellow-Corvina Fishery, Fishery Technique, Yeonpyeongdo


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