Journal Article FZJ-2023-03606
Towards green hydrogen? – A comparison of German and African visions and expectations in the context of the H2Atlas-Africa project

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Elsevier Amsterdam [u.a.]

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Abstract: Green hydrogen promises to be critical in achieving a sustainable and renewable energy transition. As green hydrogen is produced with renewables, green hydrogen could become an energy storage medium of the future and even substitute the current unsustainable grey or blue hydrogen used in the industry. Bringing this transition into reality, for instance, in Germany, there are visions to rapidly build hydrogen facilities in Africa and export the produced green hydrogen to Europe. One problem, however, is that these visions presumably conflict with the visions of actors within Africa. Therefore, this study aims to provide an initial assessment of African stakeholders' visions for future energy exports and renewable energy expectations.


Contributing Institute(s):
  1. Systemforschung und Technologische Entwicklung (IEK-STE)
  2. Unternehmensentwicklung (UE)
Research Program(s):
  1. 1112 - Societally Feasible Transformation Pathways (POF4-111) (POF4-111)
  2. Verbundvorhaben H2-Atlas: Potentialatlas Grüner Wasserstoff in Afrika - Eine technologische, ökologische und sozioökonomische Machbarkeitsstudie (03EW0001A) (03EW0001A)

Appears in the scientific report 2023
Database coverage:
Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 ; DOAJ ; OpenAccess ; Article Processing Charges ; Clarivate Analytics Master Journal List ; Current Contents - Engineering, Computing and Technology ; DOAJ Seal ; Essential Science Indicators ; Fees ; IF >= 5 ; JCR ; SCOPUS ; Science Citation Index Expanded ; Web of Science Core Collection
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Open Access

 Record created 2023-09-25, last modified 2023-11-16

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