
It is not accidental that Kim Hyesun's female poetics orienting otherness of maternality appeared in Korean modern poetics. Kim Chunsu's "Cheoyong" and Kim Suyeong's "Onmom' poetics operate each other co-textually as the background of her Baridegi poetics. Kim Hyesun, who was searching for poetical reflection and engagement to overcome the absurdity of premodern culture, made Kim Chunsoo's ideology criticism through ontological solitude and Kim Suyeong's ontological trial through adventure of whole body her starting point of her new poetics. But she felt her ideological limit among man-poets' ontological studies with women alienated. It is Baridegi poetics that Kim Hyesun found out after she had felt keenly the necessity of female poetics building and female poetry settling. This Baridegi poetics shows acutely her new poetics and aesthetic experiment to cope with masculine politics and her reality recognition, by exposing the negative other side of women-alienated modern culture through the descending image to death. Her tragic Baradegi poetics evokes us the scream and pain from modern woman's frenzy body when her body is torn, trodden, and killed. Poetry of pain which alienated woman's body produces not only criticizes keenly distorted patriarch culture but also shows a desire for a new life culture balanced and harmonized with natural otherness by the maternality recovery.


처용, 온몸, 바리데기, 여성의 몸, 파동, 상호작용


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