BioImpacts. 2022;12(5): 405-414.
doi: 10.34172/bi.2021.25
PMID: 36381634
PMCID: PMC9596882
Scopus ID: 85140264436
  Abstract View: 610
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Original Research

The oncolytic activity of Clostridium novyi nontoxic spores in breast cancer

Fatemeh Abedi Jafari 1 ORCID logo, Asghar Abdoli 2* ORCID logo, Reza Pilehchian 3, Neda Soleimani 1, Seyed Masoud Hosseini 1

1 Department of Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Hepatitis and HIV, Pasteur Institute of Iran (IPI), Tehran, Iran
3 Specialized Clostridia Research Laboratory, Department of Anaerobic Vaccine Research and Production, Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Alborz, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Corresponding author: Asghar Abdoli, Email, asghar.abdoli7@gmail.com, Email: abdoliasghar60@yahoo.com


Introduction: Hypoxia context is highly specific for tumors and represents a unique niche which is not found elsewhere in the body. Clostridium novyi is an obligate anaerobic bacterium. It has a potential to treat tumors. The aim of this study was to produce the C. novyi nontoxic spores and to investigate its oncolytic effect on breast cancer in mice model.
Methods: Primarily, the lethal toxin gene in C. novyi type B was removed. Colonies were isolated using PCR testing. To assure the removal of alpha-toxin, plasmid extraction and in vivo assay were conducted. Next, to treat breast cancer model in different sizes of tumors, a single dose of spores of C. novyi nontoxic was tested.
Results: The results denoted that C. novyi nontoxic lost lethal toxin and a­­ppeared to be safe. For smaller than 1000 mm3 tumors, a single dose of C. novyi nontoxic was able to cure 100% of mice bearing breast tumors. Hence the mice remained free of tumor relapse. Tumors larger than 1000 mm3 were not cured by a single dose­ of C. novyi nontoxic treatment.
Conclusion: The experiment concluded that the C. novyi nontoxic might be a suitable and safe candidate, a novel therapeutic approach to encounter such hypoxic regions in the center of tumors. Research also showed that bacteriolytic therapy by C. novyi nontoxic could lead to regression in small tumor.
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Submitted: 02 Apr 2020
Revision: 10 Jan 2021
Accepted: 12 Jan 2021
ePublished: 30 Aug 2021
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