
This paper aims to suggest some ways to present the information related to SAF(subject argument form), which is a possible syntactic form that the subject of sentence takes, in Korean dictionary. There are certain verbs that select a fixed SAF. The dictionary should provide proper information on which forms these verbs take to users with having some principles for showing this kind of syntactic restrictions verbs have. In this study, the existing Korean dictionaries are examined whether they provide proper SAF information and it is found that their description is not sufficient, although each dictionary attempts to describe this information effectively. Noting how important an unit of presentation in sentence patterns is,this study suggest a possible list of SAF that should be described in the dictionary and some points that should be considered before making dictionary : the degree of details in information presentation, the efficient presentation method, the possibility that sentence constituent is marked, etc.


주어 논항형, 고정 논항형, 문형, 문장 성분


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